
Showing posts from April, 2019

Place and Object Myth: The Mountain and The City

In the Place and Object myths, the stories talk about certain places where things have gone terribly wrong or right. As far as it goes for the city and the mountain, the city represents a place which undergoes this tragedy or destruction like Delphi. The mountain is a place that is close to a greater god where it is safe and secure. The myth of Mount Sinai talks about how Moses would go up the mountain to talk to God which told him he will be the most important person and that everyone will like him if he follows orders. God tells Moses to go down and tell the people what he says and that  they must obey him. God help Moses and makes sure to tell everyone that he is important and that they all knew him as God's helper. The the top of the mountain was where Moses would lay and listen to God as he told him to never let anyone up or touch the mountain. God tells Moses to tell the people of the city to be aware and do their work for the week. He said that they should rest on the 7th da...

Hero Myth: Bantu: Lituolone

Hero myths usually start the same as a young boy who is left or abandoned by a family and is found by ether animals or another family that takes care of him. This is a similarity in most Hero myths due to the amount of pain they had to undergo to be such humans that get rid of danger and fear. One of the Hero myths comes from the Bantu. This Bantu myth, talks about a hero named Lituolone who has been a hero since the moment he's been born. The Sesuto tale talks about a monster on earth that had ate all humans on earth except for one pregnant women. In an act to hide from the monster, the lady went on to give birth. the child, which was named after a God, Lituolone took the stature of a grown man and went on to kill the monster. This is one of the only myths that we see someone go on to be a hero since the day they were born. All myth's about hero's go from facing a struggle to later overcoming it. When it comes to Lituolone, the only fear he had to undergo was that of his m...

Myths of the Gods: The Trickster

When it comes to myhts, one of the funniest and most important type of person throughout all time has been the person who is a trickster. As someone who looks to have fun and crack jokes, but also get his way with things, he usually is hard to trust. There are many different types of tricksters but my favorite one in the reading was Legba, a myth of a trickster fro the Fon tribe of West Africa. In the tale, Legba was like God's right hand man and would do all the orders that God commanded him to do. This would lead to Legba getting a lot of hate from people all around the world. The myth says that one day Legba got tired of the hate and asked God why he has to get much hate. God went on to say that he is the greatest and his servants are known for evil. Legba being God's best helper feels like he hs not been treated the with the respect that he believes he earned. This is similar to many situations either in family, relationships or business where someone is not given the credi...

Cosmic Myth-Apocalypse: Hopi :Emergence to the Fifth World

The meaning of Apocalypse is "the final destruction of the world, as described in the biblical book of Revelation". Many groups and individuals around the world since the beginning of time have believed that the world will end sooner than later as all life is taken from earth. In the World of Myths book, the Hopi apocalypse myth talks about the ending of the world due to the lack of love and appreciation for spiritualism. The Hopi tribe, which is located in Arizona, says that World War 3 will be stated by the countries, "who have received the light (118)". The author indicates these countries as India, China, Egypt, exc. The Hopi tribe have much hatred for those who are materialistic. They see the United States and other new world countries as groups of people who only care about their advancement and wealth. The Hopi tribe explains how when the war finishes, with them not being hurt due to the shelter they create with their appreciation for spiritualism. Although ...