Cosmic Myth-Apocalypse: Hopi :Emergence to the Fifth World
The meaning of Apocalypse is "the final destruction of the world, as described in the biblical book of Revelation". Many groups and individuals around the world since the beginning of time have believed that the world will end sooner than later as all life is taken from earth. In the World of Myths book, the Hopi apocalypse myth talks about the ending of the world due to the lack of love and appreciation for spiritualism. The Hopi tribe, which is located in Arizona, says that World War 3 will be stated by the countries, "who have received the light (118)". The author indicates these countries as India, China, Egypt, exc. The Hopi tribe have much hatred for those who are materialistic. They see the United States and other new world countries as groups of people who only care about their advancement and wealth. The Hopi tribe explains how when the war finishes, with them not being hurt due to the shelter they create with their appreciation for spiritualism. Although being from America, the Hopi people still live in their reservation and have many ceremonies to appreciate the greater god or creators. They have impressively predicated both World War 1 and 2 shortly before they began. Being people that are very old school, the Hopi tribe tries to stay away from America and what they believe in, this is in regards of the government, laws, and economy. Being people who have been brought up their entire life with the notion that money and being wealthy is not important, the economic state that we are currently in is not useful for them. The Hopi tribe who lives in the mountains of Arizona can stay away from people and mind their own business. I find it very interesting with although threatening the US and saying that they will all die due to their materialistic mindset, the US still allows them to be tribe and especially be in their own country. Although being here since before Americans arrived and it is their homeland. the threats that they pose on the US is a bit weird. If I was apart of the government or the US chairs, I would be a bit scared of not what the tribe can do physical but of what they have said about the future. Being from a holy tribe or old community, it is not rare for people to predict the future. this can relate to many people like the Mayans or Aztecs who predicted the future. Being an Apocalypse myth, I believe that the US does not give it much awareness to this tribe and what their myth consist of but they should definitely go back and check them out to ensure the safety of millions of Americans around the US.
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