Place and Object Myth: The Mountain and The City

In the Place and Object myths, the stories talk about certain places where things have gone terribly wrong or right. As far as it goes for the city and the mountain, the city represents a place which undergoes this tragedy or destruction like Delphi. The mountain is a place that is close to a greater god where it is safe and secure. The myth of Mount Sinai talks about how Moses would go up the mountain to talk to God which told him he will be the most important person and that everyone will like him if he follows orders. God tells Moses to go down and tell the people what he says and that  they must obey him. God help Moses and makes sure to tell everyone that he is important and that they all knew him as God's helper. The the top of the mountain was where Moses would lay and listen to God as he told him to never let anyone up or touch the mountain. God tells Moses to tell the people of the city to be aware and do their work for the week. He said that they should rest on the 7th day and that he should be the only God that everyone worships. Although being a myth, the idea of one man who was chosen by God to listen to him and have the ability to be a helper seems to be something that could completely be true. Many of the orders that God suggested the city does is all things that are now in the bible that many people follow. The idea of God being on a mountain is good because on a mountain, you are already very high up in the air. Meaning that it is most likely secluded somewhere where a God would live. For The City, the Greek city of Delphi was the middle of the earth. The city contained Apollo's temple which was why the city was so important. The city of Delphi that was home to many gods was also given sacred precinct access to the womb of Mother Earth. The great city of Delphi is home to the middle of the world which makes it very sacred.This city of Apollo was created on the slopes of Parnassus in Phocis. As known before, Greece is one of the oldest and most important countries in the world. It's history and hardships that the country has had to overcome has made it a great holy place. I would believe that the city in the middle of the world would have to be home or apart of an origin story of the world and all the gods that have came to be


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